
Learn to enjoy the fastest-growing social media platform in the world today


As a business owner, you can benefit from managing your own social media presence, drawing content from daily events, staff and customer profiles, specials and happenings in your district or industry. 

Introducing Instagram

A dynamic, 4-hour workshop, ideal for any business owner who wants to get on board with the powerful, new social media that is Instagram today. Instagram is the marketing playground that Facebook was 5 years ago. Still popular with followers for brand messages.

Fresh, moving forward, and growing now. You’ve got to be on it.
Understand what all the fuss is about, unravel #hashtags, see how to navigate your way around, and look forward to having fun. Learn simple strategies and useful tips, and how to develop an organised routine. Great for expressing your inner photographer.

Mastering Instagram

This 3-hour, up-level course is suited to already consistent Instagram devotees who have established accounts and are ready to explore Instagram’s growing features. Communicate with your tribe in an entirely different way. Work with apps and bring ‘art’ to your story.

Get further into this fabulous platform and get organised. Branding, styling, getting out there, and advertising. Instagram Stories and Highlights, networking and #hashtags, growing your audience, useful content creation, and sharing. It will suit people who have already completed ‘Introducing Instagram’ and have a passion for it.

Related Courses

Couple this course with ‘Understanding iPhone’ and ‘iPhone for Business’ if you have an iPhone - the perfect partner for Instagram.

Ready to find out more?

Contact me today to discuss your needs. I can provide tailored personal training or group workshops

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